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Happy Public Service Employee Recognition and Teacher Appreciation Week

This week is Public Service Employee Recognition and Teacher Appreciation Week. Americans for Fair Treatment exists to serve public employees who aren’t afraid to stand up for what is right. Their bravery and tenacity are contagious, and our staff is continuously inspired by the wonderful employees we get to work with every day.

Public employees devote their lives to serving the public in often thankless roles. The last thing they should have to worry about is mistreatment by their union, an entity that supposedly exists to represent them. Unfortunately, many public employees face challenges from their own union on top of their already demanding jobs.

AFFT works to ensure public employees can focus on the job that they love without union interference. This week especially, we thank the public employees in our lives and ask you to do the same.

One way we can honor public service employees is to listen to their stories. AFFT member, Amber Welch, explains what she wishes people knew about public employees here. We thank Amber, and all of our members, for sharing her story with us!

Americans for Fair Treatment

Americans for Fair Treatment is a free, membership, non-profit organization designed to help public sector workers exercise their First Amendment rights without fear of coercion from unions.