As the Reading Eagle recently reported, Adelle Schade of the Albright College Science Research Institute and Ellen Albright of the Greater Reading Chamber Alliance have inaugurated the first citizen-led 3D Printer initiative to mass-produce medical masks (video).
Together, they’ve engaged the local science community—universities, colleges, schools, and labs—as well as the business community and individual hobbyists to start producing a high-tech version of infection prevention during this national shortage.
Adelle Schade—who is also an AFFT member—says she has received an outpouring of selfless support from the entire Berks County community. “We’ve seen CEOs donating printer filament, families volunteering full workdays with their home setup—like a tiny factory. And we’ve seen generous donors contributing to make this happen.”
The masks, which are being distributed straight to the trunks of lined up cars, have been prioritized for hospital employees, EMT, police, and game commissioners. After just two weeks of production, the Berks PPE Resource Network has already distributed 7,500 of these high-quality, reusable face shields.

The entire initiative has been a showcase for the power of community cooperation. “It’s a mass-scale science project for an entire community—we’re a team, and you can feel that,” says Ellen Albright.
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