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<h1>Virginia Union Facts</h1>

Virginia Union Facts

Attention All Virginia Public Employees:

On May 1st, 2021, a Virginia state law went into effect that enabled local governing bodies to engage in collective bargaining with its employees. As a result, government unions can directly contact public employees — teachers, first responders, and county and city employees — for support in certifying the union as their official representative at work.

What do you need to know before you accept or decline union membership?

For public employees, this means your contact information may be released to union organizers, or union representatives may visit you at your workplace. Signing up for union membership after May 1st will be different than any membership status you may have had prior.

A 2018 Supreme Court case, Janus vs. ASCME, gave all public workers — including you — the right to decline to pay union dues as a part of your First Amendment rights.

Sounds confusing, doesn’t it? That’s why we at Americans for Fair Treatment have created a new resource to help you break it down.


Our newsletter will provide you with:

  • Facts about the new Virginia law and union membership
  • Critical questions to ask your union and your employer before you join
  • Information about alternatives to unions that you may not know about that can save you hundreds of dollars a year yet provide the same benefits as unions
  • Factual background information on local unions and their national counterparts (which you would also be joining if you decide to join a local union) such as where your union dues go

What you will get in your FIRST TWO emails:

**A list of 20 important questions to ask any union asking for your signature, including:

  1. How will my workday change if a union writes the rules regarding my working conditions into a collective bargaining agreement? What if I want to negotiate different working conditions with my employer for personal reasons?
  2. Will I be able to speak to my supervisor privately about concerns I have in my workplace, or will a union representative have to be there?
  3. Will the union ever ask me to strike or engage in “work to rule” activities? And if the union does call for a strike or other work stoppages, can I refuse to participate? 

Get 17 more KEY QUESTIONS like this by signing up now.

**A list of alternative resources that provide the same or higher liability insurance coverage and discounts for as little as 20% of monthly union dues.

**A list of answers to FAQ, such as:

Q: Can our workplace do a trial run with the union?

A: No.

Q: Will I get paid if my union decides to strike?

A: No.

Q: Does a union guarantee my job security?

A: No.

Q: Do I have to join the union to get or keep my pension or health benefits?

A: No.

Get dozens more KEY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS like this by signing up now. Plus, ask us any questions we haven’t yet answered, and we will respond with an answer!

Remember, union cards or contracts are legally binding and paycheck deductions may begin immediately. Get all of the facts before you make a such an important decision. You may unsubscribe at any time and your information will not be shared or sold.



  • Teachers
  • First responders
  • City employees
  • County employees
  • And more

Americans for Fair Treatment is a non-profit organization and a community of independently-minded public sector workers. AFFT is not a union.