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Harris Picks Pro-Union Governor Tim Walz for Vice President

On the morning of August 6, Kamala Harris announced Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her running mate for President. Walz, who recently equated neighborliness with socialism, is a former teacher and member of both the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association. In his political career, Tim Walz has been a staunch pro-union advocate: 

  • In 2023 he signed a bill that expanded the scope of collective bargaining negotiations for teachers. 
  • He was endorsed for reelection by Education Minnesota after increasing public school funding by $1.2 billion over four years. 

 Given his extensive support for labor unions, it is not surprising that Walz’s selection as vice presidential candidate has garnered significant backing from unions: 

  • American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten congratulated Walz with a post on X which featured a graphic emphasizing his siding with the AFT on 90% of issues while he served in Congress. 

While union supporters applaud Walz for his pro-union stance, critics worry that his close ties to Big Labor will lead him to prioritize union agendas over the broader needs of workers.