Pennsylvania State Education Association (PSEA) emailed its members yesterday with the subject “Critical Alert: These guys are coming after us”. In the email, they claim four bills being considered for a vote in the PA House this week are “union attack bills”.
The email calls for members to contact their lawmakers saying, “Contact your state representative today and tell them that union members like us oppose House Bills 844, 845, 2042, and 2048.”
But when the House Labor and Industry committee heard testimony on the set of bills in November, every public employee who submitted testimony on these bills was in favor of their passage.
If passed, the bills would:
- Keep public employees’ personal information private (social Security numbers, home addresses, home telephone numbers, personal mobile telephone numbers and personal e-mail addresses);
- Let employees see full contracts before they’re voted on;
- Require employers to tell public employees they have the right to choose whether or not to join or pay a union; and
- Stop public employers from using public funds to collect political donations for the unions.